Guide Request for " Online Tour Guide "

Those who would like to have our "Guide Service" are requested to complete the following
"Application Form", and click the button "SEND" at the bottom of the Form.
If you are failed to submit the form , send your request by e-mail to "Online Guide Post " with
all info in this Form..
Full Name

( once again )
Date(s) of Guide

(Chose the time zone you want)

Morning ( After 10:00 AM ) - by Japan Time
Afternoon ( Before 6:00 PM ) - by Japan Time
Others (Other time zone ) - Describe your comment on " Remarks" below.
(Chose the category you want)
Kyoto in General (app/ 20 min.)
Eastern Kyoto (app. 40 min.)
Mid. Kyoto ( app. 40 min.)
Western Kyoto (app. 40 min.)
On Demand (app. 40 min.) - Describe your comment on " Remarks" below.
(On Demand Notes and etc.)
Yes : Agree for both Conditions & Terms / Private Information Policy

Conditons & Terms
1) Language= used : "Englush"
2) Your device should be euipped with "Zoom Meeting Software". If not, install the "Soft Ware" prior to the Meeting refering to the official website to:"" .
3) Maximum numbers of participants : 4 parties.
4) When a participant(s) not join within 10 minutes after starting time, he(she) would be considered absent.
5) In case the connection of line (internet) would happened to disconect, both host and guests will try to join within 5 minutes. and guide tour will be cancelled If failed to recover.
6) All rights are reserved for the guide contents. (including meeting records)

Private Information Policy
Personal information you provided us will not be used for any other purpose except for arranging guiding service by Kyoto SGG Club.