On-Line Tour Guide

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We are now projecting to present our guests with "On-Line Guide Servise Trial" and
Hope to grow up this project to the practical matured level with your assistance.
Any of your kind suggestion would be greatly welcome !.

How to Activate

1) Tool : Zoom Presentation (you need to install basic Zoom Meeting Software:click "Here")
2) Time : One sesson is 40 minues - can be extended by use same URL
3) When : Japan time= between 10:00 am to 6:00 pm <Rer. to: "World Time Chart">
4) Choice: Chose the guide category among "Chart of Sellecion" below
5) Send Application Form by clicking Here : "Online Guide Request"

Chart of Sellection


Kyoto in General
Description of Kyoto Profile (History, Features, etc.)


Eastern Park Erea
Sanjyusangendo (Bdda House Temple) Kiyomizudera Tempe Fushimi Inari Shrine
Yasakajinnja Shrine and Maruyama Park Heian gingu Shrine Nanzenji Temple
Path of Pyrosopher

Ginkakuji Temple (Silver Pavirion)

Mid-town Erea
Imperai Parace West & East Honganji Temple
Kinkakuji Temple (goden Pabvirion) Nijyo-jyo Castle
Manga Museaum Down Town
Western Area
Arashiyanma area
Where you may enjoy natural beauties and many of Historil Attractons
On Demand

Other Topics : Comming Soon! : (Now under preparation !)

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